Saturday 6 October 2018

Millions of central and state employees can get a bigger gift than 7 pay salaries in October


Millions of central and state employees can get a bigger gift than 7 pay salaries in October

central government and the state government employees are likely to receive even more bigger gifts than the benefits of getting 7 pay wages in October 2018. The Central Government has drafted the amendment regarding the existing pension reform demand for the removal of the old pension scheme of government employees. It is possible to get approval in the meeting of the cabinet meeting in October.
According to Rakesh Kumar Verma of Uttar Pradesh Regional Communicator of the State Employee Joint Conference, the employee leader of the Indian Public Service Commission, VP Mishra met the Cabinet Secretary PK Sinha a few days ago. The Cabinet Secretary consoled him that the government was serious about pensions reforms. And it is under consideration to act as soon as possible. Pension withdrawal cash withdrawal and other rules will be decided in the pension reform draft.

What is the demand of the old pension scheme

, according to regional communicator Rakesh Kumar Verma, the old pension system was closed in 2004, so that the government was giving pension to the employees after retirement. The state government later embarked on a national pension scheme but the employees were not happy about it. They are seeking to implement the old pension scheme.

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