Saturday 21 July 2018

Live info on trains like this on Whatsapp

Due to the increased use of social media, the government has also started offering people a lot of good services online. This time, the Railway Department has given big gifts to over 20 crore WhatsApp users. Now you can find out on your whitspap where your train is and how many minutes to get to your station. This service from railway will help the country's general public to get rid of the scam of calling 139 for an inquiry.

How to get Live Train information on WhatsApp

If you also want to know about your train on your WhatsAppSet, where is the train, save this number 7349389104 to your phone. Now all you have to do is send the number of the train you want to know the live status of the train on this phone number through whitsap. Within 10 seconds after sending the message, you will get live updates of your train. You will get all this information in the message where the train is, how many minutes to reach the next station and how slow it is going.


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